

Object containing the following properties:

statusThe status of the module.'coming_soon' | 'preview' | 'beta' | 'stable' | 'maintenance' | 'end_of_life'
nameThe human readable name of the module.string
descriptionA short description of the module.string
iconThe Font Awesome icon name of the module.string
tagsThe tags associated with this module.Array<string>
authorsThe GitHub handle of the authors of the module.Array<string>
scriptsThe scripts associated with this module.Object with dynamic keys of type string and values of type Object with properties:
  • name: string - The human readable name of the script.
  • description: string - A short description of the script.
  • public: boolean - If the script can be called from the public HTTP interface.
actorsThe actors associated with this module.Object with dynamic keys of type string and values of type Object with properties:
  • storageAlias: string - Used to keep actor IDs the same in case the actor name changes.
routesThe routes associated with this module.Object with dynamic keys of type string and values of type Object with properties:
  • name: string - The human readable name of the route.
  • description: string - A short description of the route.
  • method: string - The HTTP method of the route.
  • path: string - The path of the route.
or Object with properties:
  • name: string - The human readable name of the route.
  • description: string - A short description of the route.
  • method: string - The HTTP method of the route.
  • pathPrefix: string - The path prefix of the route.
errors (*)The errors associated with this module.Object with dynamic keys of type string and values of type Object with properties:
  • name: string - The human readable name of the error.
  • description: string - A short description of the error.
  • internal: boolean - If the error should only be shown internally.
dependenciesThe dependencies of this module.Object with dynamic keys of type string and values of type Object with properties:
    defaultConfigDefault user config.unknown (nullable)

    (*) Required.