Start development server

opengb dev

This will automatically restart when files change.

You can configure the database url using the DATABASE_URL env var. This will default to postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres

Run tests

opengb test

To automatically rerun tests when files change, run:

opengb test --watch

To test a specific file:

opengb test foo

Creating modules & scripts

Create module:

opengb create module foo

Create script:

opengb create script foo bar

Generate SDKs

opengb sdk generate --output <output> <target>

OpenAPI & Postman/Insomnia/Paw

Explore the APIs by opening .opengb/openapi.json in Postman/Insomnia/Paw.


All commands are documented in the CLI:

opengb --help
opengb create --help